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01-19-05 - 6:41 p.m.

jan 19 wed

after work me, mom, katie and the baby went out for moms bday to raferties. The baby cracked me up. she said hello to all the waiters and none of the waitresses. lol. She knows what she wants and she wants the men! lol. She picked the cute waiters to say hi to too. lol.
I gave mom her b day present and she didnt seem happy. It was the first season of the golden girls. I guess that wasnt good enough. :(

jan 20 thurs
I called out of work today. I wanted to be home to see off my sister and my niece. I cant stand to say goodbye. She clung on to me. She knew she was going back home. I cried. I watched the cab leave the driveway. I cried again. The house is so quiet and so empty. I miss her already. How she would walk on her knees to grandmas bedroom and knock loudly on the door until grandma let her in. How grandpa was sitting there with her teaching her what each card in the deck was.
What i hate the most is, is that again i had to go to work at talbots. I am really beginning to hate that place. i work every weekend and most week days. Depressed. depressed depressed.

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